Remove the ribeye from the bones. Slice into individual ribs. Slice the ribeye into 1/2 inch slices. Take some Dijon mustard and thin with some white wine. Brush on ribs, then dip the ribs into fine breadcrumbs. Fry them gently in clarified butter, season with salt as you pull then golden brown from the pan. Meanwhile create a Sauce Diable, crushing 10-20 peppercorns with a heavy pan, add sliced shallots and red wine vinegar. Reduce to almost dry, add in leftover Au Jus, then reduce some more. Strain and use for a dipping sauce, and eat the ribs by yourself. While munching on the ribs, do the same with the slices, panfrying them gently and serve with the Sauce Diable. Serve to your family while you continue to work on the ribs, explaining its too messy for the genteel ladies in your midst :). The ribs are the "chefs prerogative" as my mom woud say!
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heat in 275 oven till warmed through
heat in 275 oven till warmed through