Recommend glass measuring cups

I own Pyrex glass measuring cups, been using them for years. The only thing I don't like is liquid sometimes pours down the side of the cup instead of the desired bowl. Anyone have recommendations for new glass cups?

  • Posted by: Mo3b
  • January 9, 2014


Pegeen January 10, 2014
Some study explained that humans have a tendency to tilt their pouring hand to the left or right. Even in small degrees, this causes things to spill rather than pour out of the spout. Try it (i.e., paying attention to your hand tilt). It's amazing.
Mo3b January 11, 2014
Pyrex wasn't a hand-me-down but have been with me a long time. Eye opening comments re: tilting hand & going to fast. Gonna slow down & check hands as I pour. Thnks :)
Sam1148 January 10, 2014
Pyrex changed their formula for their classic cups---when is a matter of debate; maybe in the 80's.
The 'new' formula has some shatter problems reported.
If you have a grandma set of pyrex. keep them.
LeBec F. January 10, 2014
no, pyrex is my choice. sturdy, easy to read colored enamel markings.
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