What are your favorite make-ahead lunches for the office?



MaddyBelle February 19, 2014
Quinoa with roasted vegetables! So easy to make in advance and pop in the fridge.
kimhw February 18, 2014
Left overs!
Ana S. February 18, 2014
A delicious mix of organic ground pork or poultry sauteed with onions, garlic, wilted greens of your choice (I like collards or beet greens and spinach)and a mix of garbanzo beans and white beans. Saute with soy sauce, olive oil, sesame oil, lime juice, red pepper flakes and rice vinegar. Delicious!
Sam1148 February 18, 2014
Get a "Bento Box" or the much better "Laptop Lunch" system.

A great web site even you don't have the packing stuff they sell.
They have recipes etc.

Disclaimer: I'm not connected in any way with that product.
Chef's H. February 18, 2014
I love to throw all sorts of things together with some pasta. Left-over pasta is a real treat imo. It's fast, easy and very yummy. Of course what you make, depends if you are able/willing to reheat it at work. I don't like to eat warm at work, so I rarely make something to put in the microwave. However, if I take something to reheat, it's usualy some kind of Asian dish. All in 1 container and it tastes ok when reheated.
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