Can I cook with my ceramic staub tagine directly on my smooth electric cooktop?
CarlaCooksFebruary 20, 2014
I don't know about staub, but I use my Le Creuset enameled ceramic pots on my smooth electric stove top all the time without problems. The only time I had a problem was when I used a pot that didn't have an enameled bottom (exposed ceramic), which ended up first burning and eventually breaking the pot. If your tagine has an enameled bottom, it should be fine.
HalfPintFebruary 20, 2014
Contact the company and ask.
That said, you should be able to use it on any stovetop as long as you remember to start it on low and gradually increase the heat. You don't want to subject it to sudden temperature shocks. A heat diffuser would probably give you a little more insurance.
That said, you should be able to use it on any stovetop as long as you remember to start it on low and gradually increase the heat. You don't want to subject it to sudden temperature shocks. A heat diffuser would probably give you a little more insurance.
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