Key to perfect ganache

Bill F
  • Posted by: Bill F
  • February 27, 2014


boulangere March 2, 2014
If you're going to be using it right away, you may obtain better results if you stir the chocolate and hot cream slowly and patiently with a rubber or silicone spatula. A whisk is a bit faster, but incorporates air bubbles, which aren't especially desirable in a perfectly smooth, glossy finish. If you're going to use it at a later time, go ahead and use a whisk, as the air bubbles will rise to the surface and dissipate.
nutcakes March 1, 2014
Do you have a food processor? Try the Rose Levy Beranbaum method. I was delighted to find that using it chops the chocolate finely (it is incredibly tedious to do by hand) and blends it for you. It is very smooth and cools down quicker too. Here is a useful article that I discovered this method from:
Nina L. March 1, 2014
Finely chop chocolate ( you can also use a food processor). Place chocolate in a large bowl. Heat cream to just under a boil. Pour cream evenly over chocolate. Let sit undisturbed for a few minutes. Slowly and gently whisk starting from the center of the bowl working your way out to the sides until the mixture is completely smooth.
LeBec F. March 1, 2014
when i use it to glaze cookies or a cake, i use equal parts dark 72% choc. and heavy cream. but if you want it slightly softer, you can usee abbie's ratio; not sacrosanct!
aargersi February 28, 2014
make that 9 oz chocolate, 10 ox cream (I just checked my recipe)
aargersi February 28, 2014
Funny I asked the same thing just a couple days ago - I made mine with 9 oz dark chocolate (72%) and 11 oz heavy cream - get the cream almost to a boil, then turn of the heat, start whisking in the chocolate chunk by chunk until it's smooth. Walla! I used it on millionaire bars and it was just right for the job
MaddyBelle February 28, 2014
Double boiler!
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