Pickles! I forgot to buy black bean sauce today - need a substitute if possible??? Something likely to be in the pantry ...
I_FortunaJune 29, 2013
I prepared this recipe this evening with garbanzo beans I had in the fridge. I used Shiro Miso and did not use enough. I have hatcho miso and should have used it but I am trying new types of meals on hubby and wanted to keep it mild. I think I should have used more miso though. I used chili sesame oil and forgot the ginger! All in all it wasn't bad and hubby loved it.
aargersiDecember 16, 2010
Thanks you guys for your help - it came out great! I started with beans (duh :-) and then did the old add / taste / add method - zest from an orange, juice from half of it, dash of tamari, dash of fish sauce, crushed red pepper, a dab of dark miso paste, minced garlic, fresh minced ginger, a splash of vinegar. I will never have to buy it again!
innoabrdDecember 16, 2010
I like the miso/soy idea, but would consider reducing the soy first so you get sufficient bang for your buck without adding too much liquid.
aargersiDecember 16, 2010
I am making a spincah satueed with garlic, fish sauce, jalapenos and bean sauce ... I am going to start with testkitchenette's idea and taste and adjust (love flying by the seat of my pant!) ... thanks!!!!
usuba D.December 16, 2010
What are you trying to make? What is your idea with the black bean sauce?
testkitchenetteDecember 16, 2010
hoisin, miso paste mixed with some soy sauce and sesame oil/rice vinegar, actual mashed black beans mixed with miso paste and a bit of soy/rice vinegar...
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