Good Recent Food Documentaries?Spinning Plates: A Surprisingly Emotional Ride through American Dining- From 3 Star Michelin to Mexican Roadhouse

OMG. Who would have thought that a documentary about
3 different restaurants across America- would be so filled with pathos that I can't really stop crying? Maybe I'm just tired, not enough sleep last night. Or maybe I am just really touched by the emotions of each different story and all the hard working people focusing their lives on providing sustenance in three vastly different communities. From Chicago's 3 Michelin star-awarded Alinea, to a 3rd generation Iowa family restaurant/core of the community ,to a small Mexican family struggling with their first restaurant in
rural Arizona, "Their unforgettable stories of family, legacy, passion and survival come together to reveal how meaningful food can be, and the power it has to connect us to one another."(IMDB) Spinning Plates is well photographed and extremely well edited; none of it feels redundant and all of it feels important and vital. As the film begins, it seems like a straightforward even-keel look at the world of restaurants. But by the time it's over, you may feel like you have just come off quite the roller coaster ride of feelings. I highly recommend this for everyone to see.(If you are from Iowa or Chicago, you might particularly enjoy the film.)
After it, you will probably never look at any restaurant meal the same.

This was made in 2012; we saw it through our local Public Library network's collection.
I am so psyched that a documentary has been made by an excellent filmmaker- about the history of Gen Tso's Chicken! I can't wait to see it in full. The linked trailer has an ending that is hysterical!

LeBec Fin


cookbookchick April 12, 2014
Very funny trailer! Can't wait to see both of them! Thanks, LBF!
LeBec F. April 12, 2014
linked trailer w/ hysterical ending:
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