Restaurant irks anyone?
Took lunch at a new local restaurant today and ran into one of those menu things that really bugs me. One of the items was a tartlet with "wild mushrooms". I had to ask the server which wild mushroom they were using and he came back and said, "cremini." DOINK! That's not a wild mushroom. I have the same issue when I see "diver scallops" in Arizona. "These were caught today, right?" "Uh, no they're fresh frozen". Stop treating us like we're suckers and rubes and maybe the waitstaff will get larger tips!
1. saying that something is "served with au jus".
2. saying that something is served with chives, and then it comes with chopped scallions.
Just plain ignorant.
But, we do have great tomatoes, peaches, spring onions, ..Nnanananne. (g).
Back on topic: Yes, the word 'Wild Mushroom" is being used for anything that's not a classic supermarket white button mushroom. Its' a good thing for me as I'm allergic to one thing "The Shitaki Mushroom' and it's evil tasty child the "black button mushroom".
So, when I see "Wild Mushroom" on's "ahhh, does it have shaitaki, chineese button mushrooms".
Took me years to figure what the item was...but 3 days after eating those..pinprick rash. Which is why it took so long to figure out the food..and reaction. It's was in the mushroom---only that one type.
Sorry...I just had to.
I agree resturant should be more forthcoming on things. But it's matter of scale and what resturant you go too. A cheap lunch place with 7-8 buck plates probably is doing the best they can for lunch crowd. Not even close to what a big 30-40 dollar plate place does. Or the expectations from the customers. That would be deal killer in a big 'table cloth' place charging big bucks. It's all good really and the major thing, and question--did it taste good? Was it a cheap and a decent lunch item? That's really the point. If they can transform off shelf stuff into decent, affordable stuff..for lunch item. That's the key point.. So, how was the lunch? Good for the price?
But in land locked places 'diver scallops' just means big scallops (previously frozen).
Put you eye to the supermarkets that sell diver scallops. In a bag, frozen.
I can only get good ones at Whole Foods or one other local fish place. Wildly expensive.
A resturant that caters to non-foodies. (I hate that term) uses what have to keep prices down, and the masses are fine with it, as in a smaller resturant--landlocked. It's diffrence between a 8 dollar plate, and a 25 dollar plate.
But mushrooms are normally cultivated. Even ones listed as 'wild'.
Hand gathered mushrooms from the wild would be good, but also insanely expensive.
Brown Mushrooms, 'wild' in most places means they aren't using white button mushrooms. Yes, I know the diffrenace there..but it's all situational..and what you expect for the price point.
(On the bright side, be happy they aren't sucking up the supply of really good stuff making the cost of really good stuff become outrageous---Example, Pork Belly..used to be just EVERYONE is using it and the new,new thing and it's insane the prices they ask for it now, when it used to be 1 buck a pound here, now, 4-5 bucks a pound).