Do you have nutritional info for this? Most interested in calories.
Recipe question for:
Steak with Green Peppercorns and Roasted Asparagus
lsgermanMay 3, 2014
I am a member of "My Fitness Pal" (
They have a wonderful recipe converter that has recently been updated. You just give the calculator the URL of the recipe. It finds the recipe gives you a list of ingredients (that you can edit) and it gives you the nutritional value of the recipe. I love this site since it helped me start eating healthier and helped me loose 30 lbs last year.
They have a wonderful recipe converter that has recently been updated. You just give the calculator the URL of the recipe. It finds the recipe gives you a list of ingredients (that you can edit) and it gives you the nutritional value of the recipe. I love this site since it helped me start eating healthier and helped me loose 30 lbs last year.
Patti I.April 23, 2014
Food 52 does not require the inclusion of that information. There are food calculators out there where you can put exact amounts in to accurately account for calories.
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