I impulsively purchased 5 salmon heads because they were only $1 each. I now have 5 salmon heads. What do I do?



ChefJune May 2, 2014
Andrea, that sounds delicious!
Andrea N. May 2, 2014
It's a really nice Viet dish. Depending how avid of an eater you are, you can oodles of time at the table picking through the cartilage. That's what my dad and uncles like to do...
Andrea N. May 1, 2014
Steam the salmon heads with oyster sauce, ginger, and garlic. Finish with a shower of green onion.

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jamcook May 1, 2014
Adopt a cat for free,and as they are such a bargain, adopt 5.
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
Cute, but no.
AntoniaJames April 30, 2014
Or kedgeree. That meat is luscious, very likely the best-tasting of the entire fish. I'd lightly poach, just to cook the flesh, which I'd remove and use in a kedgeree. Then I'd use the bones, etc. to make a stock. What a luxury. ;o) P.S. Halfpint's suggestion is intriguing!
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
I like this idea, too. Now I need more salmon heads!!
pierino May 2, 2014
If you can't see the gills then your fish guy has probably already removed them. They will add an unpleasant flavor to your carefully made stock.
pierino April 30, 2014
Remove the gills if they are still attached and try slice out as much cheek meat as you can salvage. You are on your way to salmon chowder.
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
I was counting on you to answer this question, Pierino, and you did! Thanks.
ChefJune April 30, 2014
Id use them to make salmon mousse. When I was catering, I had a wonderful fishmonger who would save me the heads and tails of the salmon he butchered. It allowed me to make salmon mousse for my clients at a really reasonable price. And the meat from that part of the fish is extra sweet.
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
My mom used to make salmon mousse, I think I have her mould, salmon shaped, natch. Thanks!
HalfPint April 30, 2014
Salmon heads are delicious and most of it is edible. There is lots of meat there, very little of any sharp bones. About 95% of the head, other than the flesh, is cartilage which is totally edible and texturally (sp?) fun to eat. The only thing not edible would be the jaw and teeth.

My mother always made Vietnamese hot & sour soup with salmon heads. Here's a good recipe,
HalfPint April 30, 2014
Sorry that should be "very little if any sharp bones".
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
Also a great recipe, thanks!
Greenstuff April 30, 2014
Woman after my own heart!

Salmon's not an obvious choice (northern fish, more tropical recipe), but I've used it in Singapore fish head curry.
Madb April 30, 2014
April J. April 30, 2014
Love this soup. http://honest-food.net/2012/08/20/salmon-head-soup-recipe/
luvcookbooks May 1, 2014
This looks delicious and pretty simple. I have to figure out where the gills are so I can remove them, then it should be smooth sailing.
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