Bagel making gone bad...
I just attempted to make bagels for the first's what happened-
1) dough stuck to parchment (maybe I should have oiled it?) during the 2nd rise (after I shaped them)
2) once I put them into the baking soda bath they got HUGE
3) final result-half cooked dough that didn't really taste like a bagel.
I had the same problem when I made pretzels. They came out the exact same way as the bagels. I used AP flour (some recipes called for AP and some bread flour so I didn't think it was a huge deal. I also use vital wheat gluten and active dry yeast. Any idea what went wrong? I can make a mean pizza and bread dough....
I do also oil the parchment I set the shaped bagels out on, as well as the bagels themselves. In the recipe I've used (Peter Reinharts's: http://articles.latimes...) they get an overnight rise, which is a lot of time to adhere as well as to dry out, and the oil helps with both.
For pretzels, I recommend getting some food grade lye (as in this recipe I like: to dip the pretzels in instead of baking soda -- as it is a stronger base, it will give you a much better pretzel flavor and appearance.
Hope this helps!