old cheese rinds from the back of the fridge - what to do with them?
Cleaning out the fridge today and found some very well aged cheese rinds. One year old (aka, been in the fridge a year) stilton rind and one even older half a wheel of brie.
There must be something yummy I can do with these? Something that can be kept at room temperature that can be used a little at a time. I love cheese, but can't eat a lot of aged cheese in one sitting. A dip perhaps?
I'll put some in sourdough crackers, but there's way more cheese here than I need for that.
What do you think?
ps, yes, it's still good to eat. The cheeses were made with traditional methods, not chemically aged, and there is no wrong mould on them. In fact, they smell lovely... well lovely to someone who loves stinky cheese.
I don't think I expressed the true nature as to how stinky these are. I think I'll need to make a 200 gallon soup if I'm going to add a shaving of rind to it, or learn how to extract a micro-sample with microscope and lasers. And that's coming from someone who loves stinky cheese.
In the end I went with this old recipe I had written down long ago. I don't know where the recipe came from, but it looked sensible: shred the rinds, then cover with alcohol - brandy in my case. Stir daily until becomes a spreadable cheese, then put at the back of the pantry 'till needed. I'll have to 'water' it down quite a lot, but apparently between the brandy and the good mould in the cheese, it's impossible for nasties to grow in there, so it should keep well at room temp for a few decades.
First from Alton Brown. Simply put all the grinds into a (powerful) blender, go. You have a delicious cheese spread. Haven't tried it. But figure if they ended up too dry, you may have to add some olive oil to provide some liquid.
Second from Giada De Laurentiis. Simply use all your grinds when you make a large pot of spaghetti. Or macaroni and cheese for that matter. The combination of flavors is usually a plus, and, not a lot of people can tell at the end.
It snapped off the blade.