Goose innards?
We are roasting two geese this week while camping, mmmm... fire roasted goose.
Since we are processing from live, I don't want to waste anything that can be eaten. Pate can be made from the liver, but what to do with the rest of the organs?
I'm going to mark this as urgent as I'll be leaving the internet tomorrow, so if you have any ideas, please let me know.
Good idea for the giblets. mmmm... spicy sauce and fire, sound good.
Actually, I'm scouring the books for medieval recipes for geese offel. Not finding much yet, but maybe this recipe for chicken could be adapted.
I've never cooked heart before... anything special I should know? Any yucky bits to cut away?
the heart diced up and used in the pan sauce would be amazing.
Your idea about the liver and onions (cooked in goose fat, of course) sounds amazing. Packing my tent now..I will bring dessert. ;0)
Any especially delicious recipes for goose liver? I just remembered if I want to make it, I have to grind it by with a knife and cutting board. Maybe slice thin and fry with onions, then deglaze the pan with red wine and simmer down for sauce? Or is that only good for mammalian liver?
Thanks in advance for your help.