Office snacks.

I am a serious office snacker. I have at least 2 a day. I try to keep it relatively healthy. Lately though my snacks seem to only consist of hummus, mixed nuts, pretzels, avocados and hard boiled eggs. Looking for satisfying health conscious options. Ones that are office friendly too, meaning little preparation and not too smelly. What do you all bring for office snacks?

Summer of Eggplant


ATG117 June 17, 2014
Whole Foods started carrying mini 80 calorie packets of Justin's Peanut Butter. They come in a box of 6 (or something like that). I also keep dried fruit and fruit leathers (the ones that are 100% fruit).
mklug June 17, 2014
I hear you! I have to keep the stuff in my "snacky drawer" pretty healthy so I don't run amok. I recently got a gift of boxes of snacks (each have the nutritional info on them) from a company called Graze. I've since gone back and checked out their ideas, copying them and keeping the portions small. I try to have one super-light and one more 'dense' snack on hand. I like cucumbers (cut the long way) since they're mostly water and cool in the summer. Usually I eat them plain, but sometimes with salsa to dip into. Watermelon or pineapple chunks are good. I cheat with the more dense snack and just usually have a premade chia bar in coconut. Portion controlled, not too sweet, very filling, and good to savor with coffee.
Liza's K. June 17, 2014
I make homemade granola and add it to a small container of yogurt if I'm really hungry. I also make small containers of corn salad (especially because it is summer), small bags of trail mix, raisins or dried fruit, and apples with peanut butter. Cherries are in season, so I'll buy 1/4lb on the street on my way to work (I'm in NYC) along with any other fruit that looks good and will keep for a few days in the office. I'm also a several time a day snacker (way more than 2x a day) so I like to keep low calorie but filling foods on hand. I also am a fan of ziploc bags or small tupperware containers for portion control.
Susan W. June 17, 2014
Homemade beef jerky!
anella June 17, 2014
I love baby carrots just to eat if I am not feeling extremely hingry, but want to snack on something. I also like slicing an apple instead of wedging it or leaving it whole because they are kinda like chips and make a nice snack to munch on. Maybe clementines? I am also trying not to eat pretzels as much, but I cannot find a salty crunchy alternative to them. They are just so good.
Patti I. June 17, 2014
raw sugar snap peas
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