looking for a good recipe for a fuji apple preserve. imagining something that i can eat on toast, but not too spreadable (I already know how to make applesauce)-- I want the apples to be in small squareish shape, sliced thin. And I'm disinclined to cinnamon and other spices, wanting the pure apple taste to shine through.

  • Posted by: japanna
  • December 20, 2010


japanna December 22, 2010
Looks like I solved my own problem... I put 2 kg sugar into a big pot, sliced apples thin, and let them mingle overnight. In the morning I boiled the apples and syrup down until clear and thick enough to spoon over toast without puddling. To counteract the sweetness I tossed in 2 tsp citric acid then canned them... eating them now as i write. delicious!
japanna December 22, 2010
thank you very much. No hurry Antonia, I am making sauce and dehydrating today. Looking forward to hearing about your recipes and will check out mrswheelbarrow in the meantime.

AntoniaJames December 21, 2010
Alas, I have numerous recipes which would work for you, but am under severe time pressure at work and won't be able to pull and send them to you. (I cannot post them due to copyright issues.) Perhaps contact MrsWheelbarrow, a food52 cook who does a fair bit of preserving. She has an apple pie filling recipe on her blog, too, plus a few other apple-related recipes that you might want to adapt to your taste. In any event, put the apples in a cold place, right away. I'll follow up as soon as I can. ;o)
japanna December 20, 2010
I'm looking for something shelf stable that i can do in hot water bath. I've got 150kg of apples on my hands! my grandmother used to make a preserve called apple "chips" but i dont have the recipe. anyone heard of this? I'm already planning on making apple butter, sauce, and dried apples.
AntoniaJames December 20, 2010
Are you looking for a recipe that produces a shelf-stable product when processed in a hot-water bath, or just something to make in a very small batch, which would be refrigerated? ;o)
aussiefoodie December 20, 2010
Have you considered some kind of apple butter?
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