I just got 10 lbs of fresh flat leaf parsley already off the stems. I don't want to waste it. What can I do with it?



Tim D. August 24, 2014
I love a Greek salad that is roughly equal parts minced parsley and cubed tomatoes, with some sliced green onion or diced red onion, olive oil, salt, and a pinch of red wine vinegar. A salad where parsley is the star.
aargersi August 12, 2014
Holy Wow that is a lot of parsley - maybe research parsley soups, fiddle, make it your own, enter the soup contest, and win fame and valuable prizes! And freeze some for later while you're at it.
Patti I. August 11, 2014
Mama dehydrated it one year and we all got bags of it at Christmas!
fitzie August 11, 2014
Chop it up in your food processor and freeze it in air tight bags. It should be good for a year. If you have a food saver, it will last longer. Dig it out of the bag with a spoon and return to freezer asap.
QueenSashy August 11, 2014
you could make parsley jelly and can it... works nicely with meats
weekend A. August 11, 2014
Make a salad! Lupa in NYC used to (maybe they still do?) have a salad of parsley, paper thin slices of quartered lemon, thick shavings of reggiano parmesan and warm pancetta lardons. The dressing was warm rendered pancetta fat and more lemon juice. Good stuff.
Susan W. August 9, 2014
Ten pounds of leaf parsley...that seems close to impossible.
klrcon August 8, 2014
Classic green sauce with anchovies, herb butter that you can freeze for the winter, and use a huge handful or two mixed in at the end of a nice simple mushroom risotto - it really perks things up. Good luck!
ieatthepeach August 8, 2014
You can actually use parsley leaves like salad greens! They're really nice with some cucumber and a light vinaigrette. Plus, unlike salad greens, they don't wilt when they're dressed, so you can refrigerate a parsley leaf salad overnight if you need to.
Sam1148 August 8, 2014
I almost forgot my standard answer for "I have too much of ___"
Drop most of it off at a local homeless shelter--or a woman's shelter. Or even your local fire station; that's right down the street, right?

Maybe give them other ingredients for a Tabouli. Feta cheese, olive oil, garlic, Bulgar wheat (or quinoa which is high protein) and tomatoes.
(Note: Quinoa...some brands are not pre-washed..and are really really bad if you don't soak and wash it well).
Sam1148 August 8, 2014
Dry some of it. Put in 200 degree oven on a sheet of parchment paper then turn the oven off after 10 mins or so...and let it sit over night. Hit it again with 200 degree and repeat if it's not dry in the morning.

drbabs August 8, 2014
Gumbo z'herbes! https://food52.com/recipes/16601-lemony-gumbo-z-herbes

Add the parsley to the other greens!

Voted the Best Reply!

DianaAdams August 8, 2014
Blend (or use a food processor) with garlic, mint, and olive oil & then freeze in some kind of manageable portions, like flat portion size ziplocks or cubes for future use. Great in soups, pasta, even eggs, the possibilities are endless really:-)
patti H. August 8, 2014
Many over-abundant herbs can be minimally chopped, combined with some olive oil and poured into icecube trays for off-season use!! Take them out of the trays when they're frozen and place in a well marked baggy for future use.
EmFraiche August 8, 2014
Roberta's parsley cake here on Food52! It's the perfect summer cake and calls for a lot of parsley. =)
Maedl August 8, 2014
A kuku, or the Persian version of a frittata, uses a fair amount of parsley: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Fresh-Herb-Kuku-231921

You could also give some of it away!
inpatskitchen August 8, 2014
Freeze some for later use...here's an article:
Elisabeth August 8, 2014
If you have a juicer, you can incorporate it into a fresh vegetable juice. Also, parsley makes a great addition to homemade soup stock - just combine it with some potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, onion, garlic, salt, allspice berries, black pepper, and water and simmer for an hour.
Jonee A. August 8, 2014
Just saw a Parsley Cake here on Food52! Looks delicious and unique!
Matt P. August 8, 2014
In the same vein as chimichurri, you could make a bucketful of pesto!
HalfPint August 8, 2014
You can make a chimchurri sauce and serve with steak.
Julie M. August 8, 2014
It's a great brightener for salads -- chop it up and toss it with whatever greens you have on hand. If you have basil too, make pesto with a combination of the two. And, there's always Tabbouleh!
Pamela731 August 8, 2014
Thank you. Keep them coming - I.have 10 lbs!!!
Maedl August 8, 2014
If you make tabbouleh, use a large proportion of parsley and mint. In most Middle Eastern countries, they use a very fine bulghur and there is more parsley and mint in the salad than there is bulghur.

You could also wash and chop the parsley finely and freeze it to use in soups.
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