I am using Dorie Greenspan's cheesecake recipe. She says it might crack and it did on the edges. Should I try and coat it to hide this or just embrace the cracks? Here is a photo. It is level even though the photo doesn't look like it. Have a Merry Christmas!

Question image


latoscana December 24, 2010
The cracks let everyone know this is a hand crafted cake.
susan G. December 24, 2010
I always have thought that cracks in cheesecake were supposed to be there and for me, they enhance it.
amysarah December 24, 2010
Though I try to make my cakes/pies/tarts look as good as possible, I don't fret much about small visual imperfections. I figure it's not meant to look like a perfect professional version - hopefully its deliciousness and the heart I put into making it are what my guests will appreciate. (Sometimes minor incidental flaws can even add to the homemade charm.)

Obviously, there are limits - if big chunks of cake stick to a pan or crust edges burn, I attempt cosmetic surgery or camouflage (or just don't serve it to guests.) But I say embrace small flaws - like a few cracks in your otherwise beautiful cheesecake. (Btw, the cracks might barely be noticeable, if you plate cut wedges on their sides before serving.)
cowgirlculture December 24, 2010
I would never have thought of that! Thank you fir your time! I think I will look into a subscription to cooks illustrated!
hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
I did find a possible solution for the cracks from Cooks Illustrated:

1. Remove the sidewall from the springform pan while the cheesecake is warm. Wrap a cloth ribbon snugly around the cake, preferably one that covers the sides completely (about 3 inches wide for most pans).
2. Secure the ribbon with a binder clip, and leave the ribbon in place until the cake has cooled completely.
hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
Unless you are taking to to some high-falutin' party, no one is gonna care about the cracks. Everyone will just be thrilled you made cheesecake.
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