I just purchased the pie for two mini pie plate from Provisions. Any tips for how to scale down a standard pie recipe to fit the smaller pie plate?



Posie (. September 19, 2014
Love that mini plate! I'd halve the crust recipe (well, actually I'd make a full crust recipe and freeze half to encourage later pie consumption -- also that way you'll make sure you have enough to fill the plate and can keep the rest for future use); then for the filling, I'd halve it as well. If you're making a fruit pie, maybe throw in extra fruit once you halve it so that the filling is higher. It's not exactly half the size of a regular pie plate, but I think if it's any sort of recipe that you can't estimate (like a custard), halving is the safest option.
EmFraiche September 19, 2014
Thanks Posie! I wasn't sure if the proportions would be half, or if I would need half a pie crust recipe, but more than half for the filling. But I'll try halving them both and see what happens. Thanks again!
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