Can slab bacon substitute for Pork belly?

I recently heard an NPR article about a Chinese Pork Belly dish that took me right back to a friend who made it for a pot luck in Australia. However, Pork Belly's pretty expensive here in the US and I happen to work for a farm that sells Wild Boar Bacon in slabs. Does anyone know or have a theory on if I could substitute the slab bacon for Pork Belly?

Erica Kane


bigpan September 26, 2014
iPad thought of another word for "gamey".
Susan W. September 26, 2014
Lol..I was soo curious about what the heck haney meant. :)
bigpan September 26, 2014
Boar will have a more Haney taste than pig. Try locating an Asian butcher for a chunk of in cured unsmoked belly. Slow cook it and sit back and enjoy.
Erica K. September 30, 2014
I know that it'll be more gamey- that doesn't bother me, I just want to know if it would *work* as a substitute.
(I live in the middle of rural, agricultural countryside- there are no asian butchers)
Susan W. September 26, 2014
I would ask the farmer for an uncured boar belly before I tried it with the cured bacon. Also, even whole foods sells raw pork belly for under $4 lb.
Erica K. September 26, 2014
Thanks, but I don't have a Whole Foods. I'll see if they have any uncured
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