Have been preserving Pears and Vanilla Aigre-Doux from The Preservation Kitchen. Bought vanilla beans that are great from http://www.amazon.com/Madagascar-Bourbon-Planifolia-Gourmet-Vanilla/dp/B005CJBKAI/ref=sr_1_2?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1412056770&sr=1-2&keywords=vanilla+beans
On the advice from Strawberrygirl, I ordered from Beanilla. I am very happy with them. I ordered Madagascar beans that were on sale. They arrived plump and fragrant and free shipping to boot.
I bought a large package from beanilla.com, too, and am using them for vanilla extract. I was impressed by how plump and moist the beans are - and at a fair price, with good service, including free shipping. ;o)
Susan W, where did you get the flip-top bottles? My vanilla extract currently is in a quart Mason jar, making itself delicious until I distribute it in early December. And oh, is it smelling lovely. ;o)
AJ, Amazon has them. They are Bormioli Rocco swing top (I keep calling them flip top). I cant link it from my phone. I actually bought them at New Seasons grocery (local here in Oregon) when I bought the 16 oz for my kombucha. I paid a little less here locally. Attaching a photo of the 16 oz. I love that they aren't smooth round. They are quite gifty.
AJ, that is exactly what I am doing with them for holiday gifts. I have 8 little soldiers in adorable flip top bottles in my pantry right now. :)