What is a good, quality resource for ordering vanilla beans online? Thanks!



SKK September 30, 2014
Have been preserving Pears and Vanilla Aigre-Doux from The Preservation Kitchen. Bought vanilla beans that are great from http://www.amazon.com/Madagascar-Bourbon-Planifolia-Gourmet-Vanilla/dp/B005CJBKAI/ref=sr_1_2?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1412056770&sr=1-2&keywords=vanilla+beans
Susan W. September 29, 2014
On the advice from Strawberrygirl, I ordered from Beanilla. I am very happy with them. I ordered Madagascar beans that were on sale. They arrived plump and fragrant and free shipping to boot.
strawberrygirl September 30, 2014
Glad to hear Beanilla worked out well for you!
AntoniaJames September 30, 2014
I bought a large package from beanilla.com, too, and am using them for vanilla extract. I was impressed by how plump and moist the beans are - and at a fair price, with good service, including free shipping. ;o)
Susan W. September 30, 2014
Thank you for the recommendation SG.

AJ, that is exactly what I am doing with them for holiday gifts. I have 8 little soldiers in adorable flip top bottles in my pantry right now. :)
AntoniaJames September 30, 2014
Susan W, where did you get the flip-top bottles? My vanilla extract currently is in a quart Mason jar, making itself delicious until I distribute it in early December. And oh, is it smelling lovely. ;o)
Susan W. September 30, 2014
AJ, Amazon has them. They are Bormioli Rocco swing top (I keep calling them flip top). I cant link it from my phone. I actually bought them at New Seasons grocery (local here in Oregon) when I bought the 16 oz for my kombucha. I paid a little less here locally. Attaching a photo of the 16 oz. I love that they aren't smooth round. They are quite gifty.
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