I got duped by mangos that are seriously underwhelming. Anything I can do with them to boost flavor and reduce fiberiness? (That should be a word.)
These mangos are huge, gorgeous, and smell flavorful, but it's all a farce. They don't really tast like mango much. But don't want to waste them. Any tips?
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The other way to go is with a Thai green mango salad, similar to a Thai green papaya salad, where astringency and bitterness are key attributes to play off of the fish sauce and the acidity of lime juice. These salads are fantastic counterbalances to most asian dishes.
Or, perhaps process them with some yoghurt or cream to make popsicles, and add little pieces of dried mango to up the mango flavour.
Or, puree the lot with some softened up dried mango, which again will hopefully take care of the fiberiness (good call on this new word), and again the dried mango to up the ante on the flavour.
Good luck!