Is the juice from my baby back ribs good reduced and added back?

  • Posted by: T
  • October 15, 2014


T October 15, 2014
Thank you so much!!!
T October 15, 2014
The ribs are in the oven - seasoned, wrapped tightly in foil at 325 for 1.5 hrs, with some sauce on them. I "drained" off the drippings - flipped and they are back in the oven. I'm wondering if the 1.5 cups of juice (fat drained) is any good or if this is why we don't make stock from pig bones.... ha ha
Susan W. October 15, 2014
Oh yeah, don't toss it. Maybe reduce it and turn it into a glaze for your ribs. I love carolina ribs, so I would probably add apple cider vinegar and a little honey for flavor and to add to the glaze.
Susan W. October 15, 2014
Where is the juice coming from?
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