how to cook buttercup squash

I bought a buttercup squash for the first time. I had planned on cutting in half or quarters, cleaning and roasting but the sticker on it suggested "roast whole like a potato". I tried it but I ended up wondering if anybody actually uses this methody. The pulp and seeds seemed like a rather unpleasant stew when I cut it open that seemed to add a somewhat off aroma. I ended up cleaning, quartering and topping with butter and broiling for a few minutes to dry it out a bit. It came out well but I am curious about the directions. I did find this a much more convenient squash to use for both size and easy of cutting up that my standby Butternut.



Brenda S. November 30, 2018
Today was my first buttercup squash. Cooking and tasting. I’m in love. I steamed it whole. The odor was shocking. I was going through the apartment trying to figure where the smell was coming from. But once done I cut in 4 sections. Getting the seeds out and peeling was very easy. The meat was not dry or watery. It was like a baked sweet potato. I’m very happy.
Wendy K. September 21, 2018
I cut my buttercup squash up in quarters or more if larger.. then put about a cup of water in a pot and steam for about 40 min. the squash is sort of dry after I remove the pulp but I reserve some of the cooking water and add in and mash the squash with a potato masher, if im going to freeze it I add nothing at this point.. Just put in freezer bags and freeze. When we do eat it,, I thaw it and add butter, brown sugar, salt and pepper.. need enough brown sugar to taste the sweetness of the squash...
caninechef October 29, 2014
Thanks all for the comments. I was really curious if anyone actually used the "cook whole like a Potato" method as I did not like the results. It does not sound like it is a popular idea.
jamcook October 29, 2014
I had never heard of that method...sounds like it would just yield squoosh and mush, glad you were able to save it .
Greenstuff October 29, 2014
I've done it--once. What I found was that seed and pulp (or guts in another hotline discussion) removal was actually more difficult rather than less difficult after cooking. With a raw squash, a nice round spoon scrapes everything out. Once it's cooked, you almost need scissors to separate the meat from the pulp.

jamcook October 29, 2014
Buttercup Squashes are lovely and often hard to find. They are alittle more dense and orange than a butternut squash, but can be used interchangeably in any recipe calling for butternut. They vary in size from quite large to almost as small as an acorn squash . If you want to roast them, I cut them in half , remove the seeds , brush with oil or butter and roast them cut side down on a baking sheet covered with parchment or foil, if,they are small , you can turn them over when they are about halfway roasted and fill the cavities with chopped apple , cinnamon , butter and maple syrup, and continue to roast until every thing is tender.
sfmiller October 28, 2014
I usually do what you were planning to do: half (or quarter if large), clean, and roast with skin on. I like the browned edges and slightly drier meat you get when it's roasted cut-side up, but go cut-side down if you prefer moister meat. Sometimes I cut them into thinner wedges (skin on--buttercups are a pain to peel) and roast those flat on a sheet pan.

My mother used to put a few ounces of raw breakfast sausage or Italian sausage into each half when they were about half-done. The sausage cooks as the squash finishes, making a nice savory-porky contrast to the sweet squash flesh. I think I'll make that tonight--buttercup's my favorite squash, hands down.

I tried roasting whole and cleaning afterward once, but didn't like the result: the meat was too wet, and cleaning the guts was more of a chore when they're steaming hot than cold.
Susan W. October 28, 2014
I like your idea. Or, you could peel, clean and cube. Then roast in a hot oven with savory or sweet spices. I also like adding winter squash to my stews in place of potatoes. Coincidentally, there is a tutorial and recipe for winter squash and kale salad right on the splash page of this site.
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