Steel cut oats

Can I make them in the crockpot tonight for the while work week? Will they last til Friday if I package them all up tomorrow morning?

  • Posted by: kimhw
  • November 2, 2014


strawberrygirl November 2, 2014
Another quick way to have steel cut oats during the work week is to make a big batch and freeze it in individual portions (a silicone muffin pan works really well for this). Then in the morning you just thaw a portion in the microwave.
ktr November 2, 2014
I do this frequently. You may want to butter the crockpot before making them to prevent sticking. I've noticed sticking happens with my older crockpot because it has a hot spot.
drbabs November 2, 2014
You'll probably have to add a little milk to each serving that you heat up individually to break up the clumps, but it should taste fine. I do this often. I prefer oats freshly made, but it's nice to be able to have a quick hot breakfast.
Kylie November 2, 2014
Sure, but it does get mushy.
Kylie November 2, 2014
(I tend to undercook my oats because I don't like them mushy, but that's just me)
paseo November 2, 2014
Sure, I do it in my rice cooker. You might need to thin with water or milk before re heating b/c it will thicken in the refrigerator.
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