How could a college student start a food truck?

Actually I'm a senior in high school and want to go to college but have a great food truck idea.

Noah Truwit


Kevin D. July 5, 2018
Kevin D. July 5, 2018
Kevin D. July 5, 2018
Kevin D. July 5, 2018
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 1, 2014
Have you seen the movie Chef? If not, rent it!
HalfPint December 1, 2014
Go to college and get your degree first. Take some business classes like ones for formulating business plans and finance. Business does not have to be your major. Take those lessons and hone your idea into a sound business plan. There have been many great ideas that have failed simply because people have jumped in, not giving much thought to the actual costs in terms of money, time, and effort. And it always cost more than what you budget. Always.

I do not advise doing both (working & college) at the same time, if you can help it. Been there, done that and let me tell you: I paid a high price, physically and emotionally. Go to college, learn and enjoy your time there. It really is the best time of your life (sorry for the cliche, but it's true).
Sam1148 November 30, 2014
Get a job in the food industry. Even waiting tables, washing dishes, or line cook. Then after doing that a year or more if you think it's a good idea; go for it.

Unlike 1940's musicals "Hey Let's Put on a Show" and everyone shows up and sings at the end...the cold equations of reality go far beyond a 'great concept'...because someone eventually has to order napkins and put gas in the tank.

Go for it. Get a MBA at College to get the biz skills.
Susan W. November 30, 2014
Noah, food trucks are very expensive and definitely not a part time endeavor. I have seen how determined and what a great work ethic you (and your Dad) have. Wasn't it you that made waffle dogs for 400 in two days and threw in a dessert?

I think doing a ton of research will help clear some things up. Having an idea is a small part. If you have food trucks in your town, you could get a part time job on one this summer. Even if you simply volunteer in one to learn the ropes. You could then work in a primo truck while in college with the experience you gained. Lots of things you can do to get closer to your food truck goal while earning your MBA. :)

Voted the Best Reply!

Pegeen November 30, 2014
Sorry, totally different opinion from Lisl32. If you are paying tuition, keep your eyes on the prize and study. This is probably the one time in your life you will have this opportunity. On the other hand, if you want to run a food cart right now: stop spending money on tuition and start researching the food industry, because any kind of food cart license will cost you.
Anna K. November 30, 2014
I thought about doing this once and then was derailed by regulations in the town I lived in. Some municipalities are friendlier than others to mobile food establishments. My advice is to do a ton of research on the requirements in your city (or the city you'll be going to college in). Also, I found some useful books. This was a few years ago and there may be newer titles so I won't recommend particular books, but just do a quick search on Amazon. Good luck!
Lisi32 November 30, 2014
Love this!
Do it and go to college too.
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