I made Alton Brown's Rib Roast, which calls for roasting the meat at 250 F, is there any reason a similar method wouldn't work for bone-in lamb leg?

I'm trying to identify the appropriate temperatures for roasting meats. Most lamb recipes call for roasting the leg at between 350 and 425; however, given the amount of fat in a lam leg and the excellent results I've had with rib roast at lower oven temperatures (250 F), I'm wondering if a lower temperature dry roast for leg of lamb would work well.

  • Posted by: tuzelml
  • December 22, 2014
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

ChezHenry December 22, 2014
There is a great and very famous French recipe for bone-in leg of lamb, which translates to "7 hour lamb". Very low and slow, in fact for 7 hours. I've made this for a New Years Day party one you, and you can actually "spoon" off the meat, using a spoon-no fork necessary. Leg of lamb has lots of little muscle groups-actually the leg of a cow does also, they just segregate them into various roasts/cuts, as it wouldn't fit in your oven! So the leg has these natural muscles, held together beautifully for this kind of roasting. However, it's a much different outcome at the end, you wouldn't be slicing it, it comes apart in pieces. It's an awesome party dish.
So to your question, based on my knowledge of the leg of lamb anatomy and the aforementioned cooking technique, I'm not sure it would work well. Again with beef your roast is one muscle group, or a section thereof. With leg of lamb, there's lots of little muscles. Perhaps that's why the methods I'm aware of are "7-hour" or a higher temperature as you state in your post.
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