Trader Joe Wins! What's your opinion



Liza's K. January 28, 2015
I really dislike Trader Joe's chicken broth. It's dark and cloudy. I always use College Inn (and water it down a bit).
Windischgirl January 27, 2015
I use BTB as well...their 'No Chicken Chicken' was great for making the Food52 Mushroom Gravy for the vegetarians (and omnivores) in my family. TJ's also has a chicken broth concentrate in packets (12 per box) which is so good I can eat it straight from the package...not salty at all. However, it's a seasonal product, available until about March, so I stock up (sorry, bad pun) now. Each packet makes about a cup.
bugbitten January 22, 2015
Terrific question, Lambchop. Feels like old times.
Kristen W. January 22, 2015
Thanks, I will check it out. I like BTB but have always found it to be too salty so this could be a good solution for when I'm out of the homemade stuff!
SMSF January 22, 2015
I was just in our local Safeway this morning and at least here in No. California they carry the reduced sodium versions in several different varieties/flavors. Haven't tried the reduced sodium yet but I will once I use up my current "stock" of BTB!
Kristen W. January 22, 2015
Keg72, is there a low-sodium version of Better Than Bouillon? I've never seen it in the stores I shop at.
keg72 January 22, 2015
I didn't remember to look at my jar this morning before leaving the house, but I just went on the Better than Bouillon website, and it does show a reduced sodium version: There's a way to search for the product on that site, so you might want to check it out.
nancy E. January 27, 2015
I get the lower sodium at Costco here in Canada
ktr January 21, 2015
I used better than bouillon for quite a while but recently switched to a powdered base by orrington farms. I feel like I waste less than with the paste (because some is always left on the spoon) and it doesn't need to be refrigerated.
keg72 January 21, 2015
I also use lower sodium Better than Bouillon -- I didn't even know about it until I read the results of an ATK test kitchen test.
bugbitten January 21, 2015
Mea culpa, I've hooked up with "Better Than Bouillon". It's pretty evenly seasoned, and since it's a paste I don't need to further reduce my dish/sauce after adding it.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 21, 2015
Yep, we're on the same page.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 21, 2015
I try so hard to keep up with my supply of chicken stocks/broths but it goes so fast. My vegetable/beef & mushroom I don't use as much. I always try to have something in the pantry because otherwise I would be in a cooking dilemma for sure. I have better than bullion lower sodium I keep in the fridge for days like this when I have nothing homemade in reserve. I have TJ's 5 mins away so might stock up.
Susan W. January 21, 2015
I can't remember the last time I purchased stock or broth, but when I did, I preferred Swanson, but second choice was Trader Joes.

We now have two bone broth bars in Portland. I am so curious to try their different varieties. They have beef, chicken, pork and lamb. All organic from pastured animals. $4 for a mug and $18 for a qt to go.
nancy E. January 22, 2015
$18.00 a quart. Holy mackeral. You can make 10 quarts for that. Wish I had endless amounts of money!
ChefJune January 21, 2015
I've never used Trader Joe's, because I question the sources of many of their products. and I no longer use Swanson's. My favorite back-up Chicken stock is the boxed product from More Than Gourmet. It really is like what you would make yourself. I know the folks at that company, and it truly is a quality product.
Pegeen January 21, 2015
I second the More Than Gourmet products. They're wonderful. You can order online from their web site but I've seen their products in better gourmet food shops too.
sfmiller January 21, 2015
Not to hijack the thread, but the More than Gourmet products are new to me. Can you really do a 40-to-1 dilution that tastes like anything (their website suggests you can)?
Greenstuff January 22, 2015
They have a variety of products with a variety of recommended dilutions. I hadn't noticed any 40:1 dilutions, but I believe all the 20:1 recommendations. The boxed chicken stock that ChefJune mentions is 1:1, and I think there are a lot of 4:1.

I've used mostly the denser ones. They keep forever, even after opening (refrigerate after opening). And besides their use at home, they make for some pretty special backpacking fare.

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Greenstuff January 21, 2015
That article was a great argument for making your own chicken broth! Wish they'd done that comparison.
JanetFL January 21, 2015
I finally have a Trader Joe's nearby so will try their chicken broth.
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