Do you always buy fish the same day you use it?

I would like to have fish tomorrow but we are suppose to have snow all day which I would rather avoid driving in. NOrmally I always buy fish the same day I serve it but I am wondering if I could get away with picking up fish this evening. I plan on buying cod for fish chowder.



AntoniaJames January 30, 2015
I usually do, but recently I bought Alaska King Salmon filet from Whole Foods and served it the next day and could not tell any difference from when I buy and cook on the same day. Cod for fish chowder? If the fish looks and smells good on Day 1, and you pop it right into the coldest part of the fridge, it should be fine! ;o)
Jan W. January 28, 2015
Maybe only a fraction of the time - usually eat it the following day. Frequently I put fish (often whole fish) in a Foodsaver bag, vacuum-seal it and freeze. For many types of fish, upon thawing it tastes virtually as fresh as when it was purchased.
caninechef January 26, 2015
Thanks for all the comments. I bought the cod Friday night and used it Saturday, chowder was excellent. Of course snow for Saturday turned out to be overhyped and driving was not an issue. Now if only the forecast for tomorrow is overblown!
John J. January 23, 2015
Buy it frozzen on ship.
QueenSashy January 23, 2015
I feel for you. I like that feeling of buying the "freshest possible fish". However, most of the time when we buy fish in the supermarket, it is not going to be the same day catch. So, even though we think it is "fresh" fish, it is not quite as we envision it. As long as the fish you intend to buy looks fresh and good, you will be fine with an extra day, especially in a chowder, which is more forgiving in that respect.
Sam1148 January 23, 2015
They probably don't have a delivery on Saturday. So the Cod you buy Friday night will probably be the same as the one you buy on Saturday. Unless you live in a place that has a turnover of fish sales.
healthierkitchen January 23, 2015
you can also ask the seller. I've found that they will often tell me how long I can hold each type as they know how long they've already been out. Sometimes I've made my decision on what to buy based on that, if not cooking same day.

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inpatskitchen January 23, 2015
I often buy fish the day before I use it. Just give it a cold rinse today, re wrap it and set it in the fridge on a bowl of ice. It should be just fine as long as the fish you buy is nice and fresh.
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