can I start cooking chicken stock tonight, stop, put it in the fridge so I can go to bed, and then finish cooking the stock tomorrow night?
I am cooking the stock from a roasted chicken carcass. thank you in advance!
Susan W.January 26, 2015
Like Dr Shakeyhands, I always cook mine in a slowcooker for 24 hours. I also would rather cook it covered on low low overnight than stop and restart it.
drshakyhandsJanuary 26, 2015
In the future, you can use your slow-cooker. I just put the bones in, set it on low for a long time, and depending on which type of bones I am using, remove at an appropriate time. I saw a chart somewhere (page 70 of the winter issue of GFF Magazine, part of an article on making broths) that recommends chicken bones go in a slow cooker for 12-24 hours and pork and beef bones up to 48.
kimhwJanuary 26, 2015
Why not cook it while sleeping? I leave mine on low all night all the time. Perfect stock and coffee!!!
Matthew K.January 26, 2015
Yes...but i would seperate the stock into a few containers uncovered to cool it down quicker
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