Temporary kitchen while renovating
We are about to tear down our family room and kitchen for a major renovation, which is looking like it might take 2-3 months. We're not moving out over that time, so I need to set up a temp kitchen and pantry in our living room for a family with 3 hungry teenagers! If anyone has "lived" through a similar situation, and has some tips, I'd be very grateful to hear them.
One thing to remember about hot plate cooking if you're using a gas table top burner is that heat comes up around the side of a pot---so be sure to leave enough room around the edges of a table top burner so you don't scotch things---I once melted part of a microwave by using a portable gas burner topped with a small steel griddle a bit too close to to the microwave door.
We had our fridge and dishwasher moved to another room so that they were still usable. You can ask your contractor if that's possible!
To avoid generating mountains of trash, maybe consider getting one of the small portable dishwashers that can hook up to a sink faucet? There are probably quite a few available cheaply on your local Craigslist.