baked beans with bacon rind?

I am making a batch of baked beans. I cut the slab bacon into pieces and didn't even think about the rind until all the ingrediants were together and in the oven. I plan to bake for 2 to 3 hours. Are the rinds going to soften enough to be palietable? This is my contribution to a BBQ I am going to tonight? Should I prepare a plan B?

Michael Nicholls


ChezHenry February 2, 2015
In Gabrielle Hamiltons Prune Cookbook she has a section titled "Garbage" where she provides recipes and ideas for kitchen scraps. She has a recipe for Bacon Rinds....
trampledbygeese January 31, 2015
I'm with Pegeen. Rind is more a texture issue than anything else. Nothing wrong with a bit of 'soft crackling'.

So long as it's sliced thin enough, it's not likely to stand out. I know several people from Europe who prefer to keep the rind on in this kind of dish, but most of my friends on this side of the pond take some 'training' before they really like it.

Sounds like a delicious treat.
Maedl January 31, 2015
I don't think you will want to eat the rind, but it will add flavor, so I would use it. I would also add bacon as Pegeen suggested.
Pegeen January 31, 2015
The rinds will soften enough but I think it's more an aesthetic thing. I like my bacon in the beans to look browned and crispy. So if you like, you could fish out the bacon, pan fry a little until it's darker and crispier, then add it back to the beans.
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