Have you heard of Mocotoke cake?

I got an old community cookbook this past weekend and came across a cake recipe called "Mocotoke". I tried googling it, and some alternate spellings that I could think of, to no avail so thought I'd try posting here. The cookbook was made in 1954 or 1955 by a Methodist church in Silver Spring, MD. In case it has another name, here's a recipe summary:
4 eggs [separated, whites beaten until stiff], 1/2c sugar, 2c flour, 3T water, 1.5t baking powder, 1t coffee flavoring; bake in 2 layers then fill with coffee flavored whipped cream.

  • Posted by: Kt4
  • February 12, 2015


Maedl February 13, 2015
Part of Silver Spring is in Montgomery County, so the 'moco' could refer to MOntgomery COunty. Could the church address or the minister's name be the source for the 'toke'? Takoma Park is a nearby suburb, but that would be a more likely allusion if the last four letters were 'take'.
LeBec F. February 13, 2015
i went he routes of 'typo':
--locomoco is a hawaiian beef stew/breakfast food.

-- When i googled 'moko cake' (cake and not toke?) I got a hungarian or czech site i think, for chocolate moko cake.

I'm going to bed now!!
LeBec F. February 13, 2015
k14, this might be totally irrelevant but i found this for mocoloco:

and coffee flavoring is popular in hawaii.....
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