Is there any way to unsubscribe from follow up comments?

f.e. I don't want to get any follow-up comments from recipe I commented a long time ago (and subsbscribed follow up comments). Is there any way to do so?

Ursula - Lil Vienna


Monita March 2, 2015
AntoniaJames - I always get the option - weird
Ursula -. March 2, 2015
Weird indeed, just checked, I don't have the option.... I guess I have to make a comment to unsubscribe.
AntoniaJames March 2, 2015
Monita, can you open a fix-it ticket with your developers to look into this? ;o)
AntoniaJames March 2, 2015
Alas, the only way I know to do that is to go back to the recipe, make a new comment and click the "no need to email me" box. For Hotline threads, there is a link to un-subscribe at the very bottom of the notification message. It would be nice for that to appear on all follow up messages. ;o)
Monita March 2, 2015
If you are getting the comments in email format, you can select "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Otherwise go to the comments page for the particular question and select unsubscribe
Ursula -. March 2, 2015
Thanks Monita and AntoniaJames!
AntoniaJames March 2, 2015
Monita, that unsubscribe link doesn't appear with all of the followup comments - only certain kinds. At least that's the case with messages delivered via Chrome on a Mac. ;o)
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