Life's guilty pleasures; scrapple. Anyone have a favorite scrapple breakfast? I usually accompany it with runny poached eggs and toast but I'm open to ideas...

  • Posted by: pierino
  • December 30, 2010


AntoniaJames December 31, 2010
betteirne, I haven't made my own yet, but it's on my radar in 2011 . . . I found a recipe in my old and very useful and interesting "Stocking Up" (Rodale 1977) that called for crushed bay leaf, sage, marjoram and nutmeg . . . . which to me sounds just perfect. ;o)
betteirene December 30, 2010
Do you make your own? I'm guessing the answer is "yes". What do you add for seasoning besides salt and pepper?
WayneB December 30, 2010
Warm cornbread also goes good with scrapple and eggs.
WayneB December 30, 2010
I fry my scrapple on a cast iron griddle using just about a half teaspoon of bacon grease. Eggs over easy, grits and whole wheat toast. OJ and coffee to round out the meal and we're good till lunch.
beyondcelery December 30, 2010
How about Betty Crocker's Scalloped Corn recipe?
Soozll December 30, 2010
Oh my, a blast from my past! My Dad would brown slices of scrapple while my Mom made waffles. I'd eat a slice of scrapple atop my waffle and drown them in maple syrup. Haven't had it in decades!
csheago December 30, 2010
I hate to be unoriginal but runny egg is probably the best way. I do think it's all in the preparation. My grandmother from Philly thinly sliced it, dusted it with flour and into a pan with crisco to get that nice crust outside. I use a mild olive oil but the thought is the same. And if in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, do stop by Egg. Theirs is pretty down to earth and delicious.
pierino December 30, 2010
I really like the cheese grits idea, thanks!
lastnightsdinner December 30, 2010
There's a place we used to frequent in Brooklyn called egg that had scrapple on the menu - I'd just get it as a breakfast meat to accompany whatever else I was ordering (typically cheese grits and runny eggs). Would love to hear how others eat it.
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