Make ahead ideas for the breakfast averse?

Generally, the idea of eating before noon or 1pm is positively nauseating to me. For obvious reasons, this often leaves me with blood sugar dips that I would prefer to avoid. Also, breakfast is important! I want to enjoy it! Do you have a suggestion for a "make-ahead" breakfast? This could be anything from Spanish tortilla to some kind of fruity granola bar. Any effort more than toasting or a quick reheat is out of the question because as I said, the idea of eating is bad enough for me in the morning. It would be helpful to have an exciting, yummy nibble ready to grab in the morning. Thanks!

  • Posted by: emilyv
  • October 21, 2012


Sam1148 October 23, 2012
I'm with you there..I don't care for breakfast food.
I'll do green tea..(sometimes iced). and maybe a granola bar. But most likely a nosh on what's left over from dinner the previous night. If I want to be alert. ( don't drink coffee that much, except lately iced coffee with creme and milk..cold pressed--that perks me up)

A big breakfast on the weekends...with eggs, bacon, tea. etc. Just makes me want to crawl back into bed and sleep until until noon, or more if I can get away with that.

emilyv October 22, 2012
Wow, why didn't I think to ask here earlier? Excellent suggestions all around! Many thanks. @kitchenbutterfly: I actually used to make a weekly batch of a similar Dr. Bircher's muesli on Sunday night with yogurt, a splash of OJ, slivered apples, Familia Swiss Muesli, and whatever fresh berries I could find. Somehow it keeps for at least 3 days. Love it!
K_Squared October 22, 2012
Here are my favorite breakfast burritos!! 3 minutes in the microwave & you're ready to go in the morning!
susan G. October 22, 2012
This link has about 6 good suggestions for ready, grab and go breakfasts.
Sadassa_Ulna October 22, 2012
Breakfast burritos. My son went through a burrito phase and I would make up a bunch and freeze them. He liked seasoned rice and beans with cheese, but you could do anything, even potatoes, sausage, and greens. Roll up and freeze. I liked to microwave them then finish in the toaster oven.
Kristen W. October 22, 2012
I think it's kind of cliche, but I love reheated leftover homemade pizza of just about kind for breakfast. Just gotta remember to brush my teeth after eating b/c I tend to pile the red onions on :).
Kitchen B. October 22, 2012
I love Swiss Bircher Muesli, it is the perfect make-ahead breakfast and can keep for up to a week, refrigerated. See

You can also make your mix, to suit your tastes.

I love chopped fruit with yogurt for breakfast too. Hope this helps
Omeletta October 21, 2012
I hear ya- I'm not a big breakfast person either, but I know I have to eat something in the morning so I don't start punching people due to low blood sugar. I make baked oatmeal bars ( which are basically baked oatmeal but I wrap them individually so I can grab on the way out the door. I've also made big batches of protein shakes with peanut butter, honey, yogurt etc and poured it into old water bottles and kept in the fridge- another grab and go sort of thing, and the peanut butter keeps me full. Good luck!
vvvanessa October 21, 2012
Is the idea of eating in the morning nauseating because you don't like the foods normally associated with breakfast? If so, maybe you can reframe what eating-before-noon is to you. What about just regular leftovers? More often than not my breakfast is leftover savory food: pasta, soup, roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, jook (my favorite). Do you bake? I have a friend who makes batches of scone dough and freezes it; she pops one in the toaster oven while she gets ready for work. Muffins-- sweet or savory-- are easy to bake and store well, too.
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