I was sure I had pearl barley in the cabinet. But it was just barley. I am trying to make a barley soup and it calls for pearl and I have just barley, can i use it anyway....
Here is the recipe if that helps....
Thank you in advance you guys are great!

4 tbsp. butter
1 leek, cut in thin strips
1 medium onion, cut in thin strips
3 potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 carrot, grated
1 sprig thyme

Heat the butter in a saucepan over low heat until melted. Add leeks and onion and cook until the leeks begins to soften. Add the potatoes and carrot and cook for about 10 minutes, then cover with boiling water. When the mixture returns to a boil, add the barley and thyme. Let cook, uncovered, over medium heat for 1 hour, until the barley is tender. Season with salt and pepper.

Lucia from Madison


susan G. December 31, 2010
Fully "whole" barley is like a knight in armor. Sort of takes a can opener to get inside... They look like rococo wheat berries and take a long cooking time or pressure cooking. That said, what you buy as barley is likely to be pearled. But you asked 18 hours ago, you got good answers, and probably the soup is made, done and eaten.
prettyPeas December 31, 2010
Soaking overnight can also reduce the cooking time of barley. Without soaking it can take up to 1:45 to cook. I've never cooked whole barley outside my pressure cooker, but it takes 20 minutes in that, so I would guess that healthierkitchen's guess that it will cook in one hour is about right, as the pressure cooker often reduces cooking time by 1/3.
healthierkitchen December 30, 2010
even if not pearled, one hour might be enough time for it to be tender.
latoscana December 30, 2010
Pearl barley absorbs more liquid compared to whole barley. Whole barley takes longer to cook and will be toothier and have a nuttier flavor.
nutcakes December 30, 2010
I wouldn't be surprised if you barley is pearled. But go ahead and use what you have. At worst, you will just have to cook it longer to get it tender.
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