Repurpose un-set jam?

A friend and I made jam yesterday and it didn't set. How can I repurpose it so it isn't wasted?



sonya August 10, 2015
If you're making a basic stove-top jam like refrigerator jam, just put it back on the heat again until it sets. If you made jam to can, then I'm not sure :) I also like to add jam to whipped cream - you just sort of fold it in, so this more liquid-y jam would be perfect! - and then serve it on fresh fruit. I made a peach version and it was delicious, so I'd imagine any flavor would be great!
Claire S. July 16, 2015
Mix it with plain yogurt and eat it for breakfast!
ChefJune July 16, 2015
Sounds to me like it would make wonderful pancake/waffle syrup or ice cream sundae topping.
Maedl July 16, 2015
If you don't cook it longer and if it is the consistency of syrup, you could add it to Prosecco for an aperitivo. I don't think you would need to add a lot, but experiment!
Diana B. July 16, 2015
If you have a lot, it might be worth reprocessing it to get it to gel: Be sure to plan on using new lids if you reprocess, and expect that the quality of the finished product will be a bit reduced because of the extra cooking.

Also, some jams take upwards of a week to gel, so don't be too sure yours is a failure just yet. If you just have a small quantity or you don't want to go to the trouble of reprocessing, it's good instead of syrup on pancakes and French toast.
Dona July 15, 2015
Put it on Trader Joe's cheese blintzes, or make your own.
Nancy July 15, 2015
Thin it with some liquor or liqeuer, mix with whipped cream, make a fool, top a simple cake (pound, angel food, yellow cake), use instead of fruit on shortcake, whip up in a milkshake, use it as a sauce on ice cream.
PieceOfLayerCake July 15, 2015
Can you just try again? Add a bit more pectin? I'm not experienced in canning, but I don't see why that wouldn't work.
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