What does this direction mean? "Another secret behind the lightness of this cake is to be patient and methodical; fold by turning the bowl clockwi...

...se to 15 minutes each after each fold. It may take 30+ turns." Does it mean that I must fold for fifteen minutes times 30+ turns? I think that it must mean fold and turn 30+ times which will take a total of fifteen minutes

  • Posted by: RG
  • July 25, 2015


PieceOfLayerCake July 25, 2015
While sponge cakes are delicate, I don't think they're as delicate as the recipe makes them sound. As long as you're gentle, quick and thorough, the cake should be fine. Its not nearly as difficult to make a sponge cake as the recipe is implying. Everyone is going to have a slightly different method of folding so I would use "30" as a guide, not an absolute.
Geerhj July 25, 2015
So "fold by turning the bowl clockwise to 15 minutes each after each fold. It may take 30+ turns" refers to positioning and number of turns. Thank you for the clarification!
drbabs July 25, 2015
I think it means fold, then turn the bowl one quarter turn, then fold again, then turn the bowl another quarter turn, and so on until you have folded 15 times. The writer is using the clock face as a graphic example of the markings on a circle. It is unrelated to the time it will take to do the folding (which should be much less than 15 minutes).
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