Can I use double 00 pizzeria flour to make a baguette?
boulangereAugust 3, 2015
Yes, you can. Italian 00 flour and domestic Wondra are one and the same: a very fine grind of bread flour. Each typically has the same protein content of 12-12.5%, the same as traditional bread flour. What makes 00 perfect for pizza dough also makes it very nice for baguettes. Both are wetter doughs which are thin in nature and baked at high heat so as to create lots of steam so as to create that wonderful open, irregular crumb. 00 will not work for all bread doughs, but for baguettes, it will create a lovely product that you'll be quite happy with.
PieceOfLayerCakeAugust 3, 2015
That depends. "00" doesn't describe much more than how fine the flour is milled and doesn't say anything about the protein content or gluten potential. Look on your package and see if it tells you details like what sort of wheat it was milled from or the protein content. If its durum, I wouldn't use it for bread, but if its red or spring wheat, I would give it a go and see if you like the result. In general, though, a 00 flour you can find in America is going to be more akin, and therefore more interchangable with an all-purpose flour. I usually use a mixture of bread flour and rye flour for my baguette.
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