kombucha- plastic lid substitute?

I have scads of glass Ball mason jars, but only metal lids. I was wondering if I put a layer of plastic wrap or parchment paper under the metal screw lid if that would keep the kombucha from reacting with the metal sufficiently?

Thank you!



Susan W. September 15, 2015
One more thing. You can pick up plastic lids for ball jars at the grocery store. It might be a good idea. Happy fermenting.
Susan W. September 15, 2015
I think that would work nicely. If you leave some headroom between the Kombucha and the lid, it should be fine. Over time, the acidic nature of Kombucha will cause it to rust, but if it's protected by something, you're probably okay. It's also best to use something with a tapered neck like a used wine bottle so the fermentation has somewhere to go and develop. I'm assuming you are putting it in mason jars for the second fermentation?
petite_oiseau September 15, 2015
Yes, Susan, for the second fermentation.
Thank you very much for your help. I am hopefully making my first batch this evening and won't be bottling for another week, but I wanted to be prepared for a larger batch, should this be a manageable thing to keep up with.
Susan W. September 15, 2015
Here's a quick little video by a guy whose had a lot of experience. He doesn't love the ball jar idea. I've always bottled in grolsch bottles that I bought fairly inexpensively from Amazon. Since this is your first go at it, I want you to have the best chance at success. KombuchaKamp.com is also a great resource. I bought my first SCOBY from them. Are you starting with a purchased SCOBY or making your own?
petite_oiseau September 15, 2015
Some one is giving me part of a SCOBY that she got from a workshop. I have done some research on it before I wanted to start all of this. Within a few batches I would like to have three batches going at once to sustain a 12oz/day/week consumption with a 21-30 day initial fermentation. I am not sure how much/little of her SCOBY she is giving me but I would like to work up to that. I am trying not to overwhelm myself with information, but I don't think I am there yet so I very greatly appreciate you sharing the website and video.
Susan W. September 15, 2015
Good idea on the massive info. I drove myself crazy, but then found KombuchaKamp which I just stuck with. I can tell you that in a short time, I had so much Kombucha that I was giving it and SCOBYs away to anyone who would take them. I usually had two batches going so while I drank one, I was brewing the next. You'll get the hang of it quickly. It's just such a foreign process that it seems complicated and hard, but it isn't. You'll convince yourself that things are wrong about 40 times during your first batch, but as weird as it looks, it's all supposed to happen. SCOBYs have a mind of their own.
petite_oiseau September 15, 2015
Are you doing the continuous brew method for your two batches or starting a new batch each time? Now I am tempted to work up to that!
Susan W. September 15, 2015
I took a break from Kombucha, but at one point, I had a continuous brew going and also a smaller 1/2 gallon batch that I started over and over. It would tide me over while the continuous brew caught up. It took me a few batches to get there. Things really start rolling when your SCOBY makes lots of babies.
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