I have a 15 inch diameter iron "fry" plan and I want to cook a frittata for a crowd in it. Advice please on how many eggs it will hold.
Need to make an frittata for a big crowd so I want to use the biggest pan I have. But I don't know whether to double or triple recipes since none of the recipes on the site advise the cook which size pan to make a frittata in. Bottom line: in a 15 inch iron pan, (At least 2.5 inches on the sides), how many eggs would it hold (with filling)
volume of 10" fry-pan, assuming your 2.5" high sides, is 196.25 cu in.
volume of 15" fry-pan, assuming same height, is 441.56 cu in,
therefore second pan can hold 2.25x volume as first pan.
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Notably, my 10" skillet has sides only 1.75" high, not 2.5."
A 10" skillet that is 1.75" tall has a 12.29 cubic inch capacity.
A 15" skillet that is 2.5" tall has a 21.50 cubic inch capacity.
Thus, Monita is correct. The 15" skillet should be able to accommodate about 14-15 eggs.
However, if the skillet sides are different heights, then the volume difference would be even greater.
10" skillet w/1.75" side = 137 cubic inches
15" skillet w/2.5" side = 441 cubic inches
You should be able to get about 28 eggs into the taller & wider skillet.