Biscuit recipe on Instagram

Where can I find the recipe for Biscuits from Instagram which always tells me to go to the link in the profile which I can never find

Food odyssea


foodforthought October 3, 2015
don't know about instagram but we use this one adapted from J Beard
2 c flour
1 T baking owder
1/2 t salt
1/2 stick cold butter
3/4 c buttermilk (use 1 full c for drop biscuits)
mix dry ingredients
cut butter into dry ingredients to consistency of coarse oatmeal
stir in milk until just incorporated
roll out to 1/4-1/3" thick and cut as desired
bake on ungreased sheet at 450 12-15 minutes (bottoms brown)
add 1/2 c of tiny cheese chunks with milk for great cheesy biscuits
702551 October 3, 2015
Food odyssea was referring to this specific Instagram post:

Food52's Instagram account only promotes content on the website.
702551 October 3, 2015
Unfortunately, the Food52 editorial staff bungled the Instagram post and failed to provide a link.

However, one Instagram commenter Cara Nicoletti claimed it was her recipe. Lo and behold she actually has a biscuit recipe on this site.

Leaf Lard Biscuits:

Hope this helps.
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