Ottolenghi's Plenty

Just a heads up that Plenty is available on Amazon Kindle for $3.99 today only.

Susan W
  • Posted by: Susan W
  • October 13, 2015


Niknud October 13, 2015
Done! You are a nice lady. :)
Susan W. October 13, 2015
Why thank you. :) Already have my eye on the Halloween Souffle. I may or may not share.
Niknud October 13, 2015
I'd been dithering over whether I really needed another cookbook since my husband just got me the Vermont Country Store Cookbook (squee!), but since it's digital it doesn't count, right?
Susan W. October 13, 2015
Oh absolutely. The digital library is the perfect place to stealth collect (aka hide) cookbooks. If you subscribe to BookBub, you'll get an email each morning with great books. You tell them what you're interested in so you don't get a bunch of Cozy Mystery recommendations. Still not sure what those are. I just know I'm not interested.
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