Hi, I've been growing a ginger bug for over a week, and it's all fizzy and ready to go--can't wait to finally do something with it! My question a...

...bout your ginger beer recipe is this: I did not start with champagne yeast, just the ginger, sugar and water, adding daily. Is this going to affect the outcome in the beer-making process? I suppose I'll find out since I'm going to go ahead and make it, but would still love to get your feedback. Thanks

Manya Gorman-Knutson
  • 1 Comment
Homemade Alcoholic Ginger Beer
Recipe question for: Homemade Alcoholic Ginger Beer

1 Comment

Lindsay-Jean H. October 20, 2015
I haven't tried this, but just from looking around the internet, it seems it should work just fine. Here's a link to a yeast-free ginger beer recipe and some FAQs about it: http://seattleseedling.com/2013/05/homemade-ginger-beer-q-and-a/
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