Dozens of fuyu persimmons! Help

My two fuyu persimmon trees have decide to produce a ton of fuyus this year. They are delicious, but what am I going to do with dozens upon dozens of persimmons? I'm giving them away left and right, but is there a way to use larger quantities? I don't want them to go to waste. (Note these are the hard persimmons, like apples, not the soft kind that is used in baking)

  • Posted by: lloreen
  • October 27, 2015


Exbruxelles November 3, 2015
What about a persimmon pickle? I'm going to give it a try….
Juliann November 3, 2015
I'm envious. I just bought a box of Kaki persimmons from a local farmer for $40. I eat them like an apple. I chop them up into salads - great to mix with other fall fruits like pomegranate seeds and apples and celery. Sunset Magazine published a great persimmon cake, brimming with fall spices and chopped nuts. I've made chutney. For a couple of years, I couldn't eat them fast enough and I stuck them into the freezer. Last summer I finally used up the five gallon ziplocs making puree and persimmon butter. Marisa McClellan's ( crock pot method of fruit butter was perfect.
Jona @. November 3, 2015
Ah how nice to have fresh persimmons. My first thing would be to eat them straight away, I love the crispiness. But you could turn them into cookies or a pie/bread.

I also think freezing them would be a good idea. Where I leave most people freeze them during their peak season, and then sell them at a higher price when the persimmon season is over. They become soft-jelly like and really tasty. They have a recipe here for something similar I know it mentions that a Fuyu kind wouldn't work but I would give it a try. I would thaw it completely before eating though.
dinner A. October 29, 2015
Oh man, an unlimited supply of fuyus...I'm envious! I'm assuming you've already dedicated as much refrigerator space to persimmon storage as you're willing to -- I've found that they keep quite well in a loosely closed plastic bag in the fridge, although they still slowly get riper. I have had good results with using overripe, soft fuyus as you would hachiyas in baking. For baking purposes, they also freeze well (peel/remove stem and pith first).
Stephanie G. October 28, 2015
I peel them, cut them into pieces, and mix with Greek yogurt. I top with cacao nibs or granola. I think I got the idea from Bon Appetit last year.
HalfPint October 28, 2015
Maybe make persimmon chips by dehydrating or baking in the oven? I love snacking on dried persimmons. And they're really expensive at the Asian markets.
Kristen W. October 28, 2015
You could put them in a pie or galette. Or you could dice and mix them into muffin batter (though that wouldn't use as much up as a pie or galette). Persimmon butter? Persimmon chutney? Persimmon compote?
Nancy October 27, 2015
A suggestion often made here for windfall fruits or vegetables: give them to a food bank that dispenses fresh food, or to an organization that serves meals to the needy.
Exbruxelles October 27, 2015
I love to just eat these out of hand, and chopped in salads with pomegranate seeds, goat cheese and red onions. Faced with a surplus, I'd probably also make pickles:
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