I am making Pumpkin Rosoto, and calls for roasting the Pie Pumpkins, I have a gas Convection oven, what is the best way to do this?

I have to roast 4 Pie Pumpkins, I have Gas convection oven, what is the best way to do this. My guess is to of course gut the pumpkins, put inverted in a roasting pan, then put at about 375 and cook for about 45? minutes?

Lloyd Buckner


Lloyd B. November 25, 2015
Thank you for all the advice, I think I have enough to go on, again Thank You and have a Happy Holiday!
Kristen M. November 25, 2015
You know, it's actually easier to gut them once they're cooked! The guts just fall right out. I would oil the cut face, season with salt and pepper, and plunk face down on the baking sheet. Timing sounds good, but just check on them and see when you can slide a knife in.
Lloyd B. November 25, 2015
Would I get enough seeds for the topping from the one pumpkin that I am using for the sauté, it calls for a cup to be dried then pulsed to mix in with bread crumbs and Parmesan Cheese? That is why I would gut them, I use a water bath method when I would make Squash and then serve with fresh peas and butter inside?
Kristen M. November 25, 2015
What a neat technique—really using the whole buffalo. You may get enough seeds to make a cup, yes, but it's not much harder to pull the guts out before, if you want to be safe. Either way, halving and roasting face-down on a baking sheet is the easiest way I know to roast a squash.
Leslie S. November 25, 2015
Yes! I'd say 350° for an hour to avoid burning the edges, which can sometimes happen! Then just check on them periodically after the first 30 minutes.
Kenzi W. November 25, 2015
Your plan sounds great, but no need to invert them—I'd oil, salt, and pepper them before they go in, too. Are you looking for puree at the end, or roasted chunks of pumpkin?
Lloyd B. November 25, 2015
No, one pumpkin is going to be used in diced fashion and then sautéed, you make the Risotto, stuff the roasted pumpkins, then bake a second time, with a ground pumpkin seed, cheese, breadcrumb topping, until is golden brown and melted, then serve.
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