Unique Uses for Whole Grapes- that Decrease Their Sweetness?

I imagine a few of you, when seeking inspiration, might peruse past 52 recipe contests. The Grapes Contest of a few years ago- I just finished reading through all the ~70 recipes and was so impressed by a few. But none are quite what I'm seeking. I have been trying to eat more healthfully and fruit is part of that. I have always found the common store grapes too sweet for me, but My Love bought WAY more than I asked for, so I'm trying to figure out how to eat them. I am not a jam/chutney etc. girl. I would prefer to find some really nifty NON sweet way to eat them whole. What I love about grapes (these are red seedless) is the sensuality of biting through that skin that pops- and into the fruit. There's really nothing else like that. But they are just too sweet for me. I have a recipe for pickled mustard seed that calls for rice wine vinegar, and i'm wondering if just mixing the grapes with the pickled mustard seed- would successfully conquer the sweetness? I do love the thought of roasting grapes but that would just raise the sweetness. I wonder if any Mediterranean or Chinese cuisines- do anything very unusual with grapes (like, for instance, soaking them in soy sauce or espresso...)or wrapping highly spiced ground meats around them...or anything else that is way out of the box that I am familiar with, and that will decrease or de-emphasize their sweetness? Hey, it's 52!; you guys read a lot of cookbooks and live all over the world, so I figure it doesn't hurt to ask.....:-) It's such a cool fruit; some culture is bound to do something really unusual with them! TIA!

LeBec Fin


LizC December 5, 2015
Roasted grapes are delicious. If you pair them with salty elements -- black olives, chicken, rosemary -- it's truly delicious. Smitten kitchen has a phenomenal recipe for that.
LeBec F. December 4, 2015
Fwiw, I DID soak some in tamari. Period. After just a few minutes, the tamari was in the grapes, and they were actually enjoyable!
QueenSashy December 4, 2015
I was researching fish recipes and found this one that uses grape salsa... Looks like an innovative way to use grapes http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/pan-seared-black-cod-with-grape-salsa
Angela December 4, 2015
I used a recipe from somewhere unknown that has you make a basic balsamic vinaigrette. Half of it goes over some pork chops for a quick marinade, then grill them. Cut red grapes in half and add to the rest of the dressing so that they soak up the vinegar. Serve grilled chops over salad with the grapes and dressing, and maybe blue cheese and walnuts.
Sam1148 December 1, 2015

Fried grapes and meatballs. With a yogurt sauce. It's been a big hit for me at Christmas parties.
amysarah December 1, 2015
Unfortunately I don't have the recipe, but my mother made a duck braised with wine and seedless grapes - barely sweet at all and really delicious. Pretty sure it was from a French cookbook...now I want to find it! Also, much simpler - frozen grapes are lovely for a snack or dessert, and the frostiness reduces the sweetness a bit.
AntoniaJames December 1, 2015
For Thanksgiving, I put local red grapes in a simple salad with April Bloomfield's (very!) sharp lemon and caper dressing, with a few toasted pine nuts. Like you, I find grapes too sweet, but that dressing worked like a charm. ;o)
AntoniaJames December 1, 2015
For Thanksgiving, I put local red grapes in a simple salad with April Bloomfield's (very!) sharp lemon and caper dressing, with a few toasted pine nuts. Like you, I find grapes too sweet, but that dressing worked like a charm. ;o)
Exbruxelles December 1, 2015
I really like pickled grapes. This recipe is similar to the one I make: http://www.splendidtable.org/recipes/pickled-grapes-rosemary-and-chiles
QueenSashy December 1, 2015
There are a couple of nice ideas in this serious eats article. http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/09/the-crisper-whisperer-a-savory-take-on-grapes.html I especially like the oats with grapes and Gorgonzola, and the curried chicken salad
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 1, 2015
I use Fine Cooking's website for many meals. Here one for you to consider: http://www.finecooking.com/recipes/sausages-grapes-balsamic-onions.aspx You could play around with spicy flavored sausages.
Lindsay-Jean H. December 1, 2015
Fermented grape soda? http://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/fermented-grape-soda
Also, Sarah Britton's cookbook My New Roots has a grape salsa recipe, I can send it to you if you're interested.
Niknud December 1, 2015
Fermented grape soda? Whaaaaat? My love for grape soda is pure and true, this might make me not feel like I'm still in middle school when I drink it. True story: chip on my front tooth is from glass bottle of Welch's grape soda from when I was (in fact) in middle school. Clicking link now.....
Nancy December 1, 2015
I used to make a lovely Roman recipe for chicken from Apuleis in Esther Aresty's book, The Delectable Past,
which was very fine.
Can't find it now, but here's a similar one
And you could use some of your grapes instead of the dates.
There's almost no additional sugar (except in the balsamic vinegar). You could use straight red vinegar or red wine instead.
See if this one works for you.
Nancy December 4, 2015
Another use for the grapes, if you like chicken dishes, is to add a bunch to a coq au vin. The savory chicken and acidic wine will temper the sweetness of the grapes, and they will fit - though not traditional - with the elements of this dish.
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