Can I put parchment paper under bread

C Crowley


Smaug December 26, 2015
Silicone products are not generally advised above 425 degrees, which is low for some types of bread. Bread doughs, though they can be sticky when raw, are actually highly disinclined to stick to things when baking; it's unlikely you need it.
Shuna L. December 25, 2015
All that I will add to Nancy's response is - parchment paper tends to promote sweating under bread, once it is removed from the oven. Try to transfer finished loaf to cooling rack as soon as you feel the bread is not too delicate to move. I use an oven mitt or a tea towel to move hot breads. p.s. you can use parchment paper 4 times! 2 on each side. it has serious powers!
Nancy December 25, 2015
For use while baking the dough? Yes.
Prepare as you would the inside of the pan or a baking stone...lightly greased, flour and/or corn meal.
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