Fav Rancho Gordo Beans and Hot Sauces?

I'm very tempted by their imported Royal Corona beans, and I'd like to get a few things to try. I didn't realize that they now make various hot sauces as well. I have not found a single cayenne style hot sauce that I have liked. Last week I followed a Serious Eats Hot Sauce tasting that recommended Cholula , but I regret buying it- it is very boring imo (and I am in no way a 'dragon mouth'). I don't want to taste sugar(Sriracha incl.) or unbalanced rough acid. Chipotle sauce- I have a few of these that I like, but for now I am looking for an all-purpose hot sauce with some flavor depth. Do you have any recs for me- of heirloom beans and hot sauce(Rancho Gordo or other)? Thx much for your help!

LeBec Fin


IlovePhilly January 1, 2016
Sorry for the kind of non answer, but you might consider making your own hot sauce. Cayenne/fresno is my favorite, but I pretty much exclusively ferment my own sauce, so I get to decide fermentation time, if I add sugar (I don't) and what other seasonings, if any to add. Pretty easy to make a sauce you'll love if you DIY. Good luck!
scruz December 31, 2015
i've had eye of the goat and the amarillo. also had a type of white bean whose name i forget. i was lucky enough to find them at the farmer's market and was able to talk with the rep about what i wanted. all three were superb. i just looked at their site and they do give nice descriptions. that is one thing i want to try again. i would also brine them before hand as america's test kitchen recommends. i've made store bought beans by prebrining and have been favorabley impressed. hot sauces? my house hold has pretty tame palates so haven't tried.
dinner A. December 30, 2015
The Royal Corona beans are good, and their size is fun -- one of my co-workers thought I was eating small potatoes for lunch! I agree with everyone else commenting, I've really liked all the Rancho Gordo beans I've tried. I don't think you can go wrong. I also really liked the Mayocobos, and also the Yellow Indian Woman beans (terrible name, very flavorful beans).

I haven't tried any RG hot sauces; Valentina and Tapatio are my standbys.
ChefJune December 30, 2015
I love all of Rancho Gordo beans I have tried, but so far my favorite is Rio Zape beans. They're a small red bean with a much thinner skin than kidney beans, which I find hard to digest. The jumbo limas are really wonderful, too. but they all are. My go-to hot sauce for years has been "Louisiana Hot Sauce." (Yes, that's the name.) and sometimes Tabasco - original flavor.
kate December 30, 2015
I love the Rio Fuego hot sauce.

I've tried a lot of different Rancho Gordo beans and have yet to try one that I didn't love, but 2 of my favorites are Good Mother Stollard and Santa Maria Pinquinto.
702551 December 30, 2015
These are two separate topics: beans and hot sauce. They are not mutually attached.

Hot sauces are a very personal selection, so you should endeavour to find something that rings true to you. I happen to like Cholula because it is not sugary nor overly acidic. I sprinkle a few drops on my over-easy breakfast egg because it is not an aggressive sauce (something I value in the morning). I am more apt to seek a more aggressive sauce for dishes that I intend to serve at different hours that accompany different items.

As for beans, I'm a big fan of Peruano (Peruvian) beans which are particularly prized in Michoacan. Rancho Gordo markets these as "Mayocobas." They are really creamy: I have abandoned red pinto beans for frijoles in favor of the Peruanos.

I know the operators of one stand at my farmers markets actually grow these beans, but they mostly keep them for themselves. If they have extras, they will bring them to the market but they can never be counted for that.

I often buy the cheapo Peruanos at the local ethnic grocery store instead of the spendy Rancho Gordo beans. There's a local bean farmer (at my farmers market) who also sells a variety of different beans (fresh and dried). I've periodically visited other nearby farmers markets and found other vendors with a different selection of beans, so I am no way committed to one bean from one vendor.

Again, I particularly like Peruanos for breakfast frijoles, but there are plenty of other great beans for many other occasions.

It would behoove you to try a bunch of different beans from different vendors in different preparations and figure out for yourself which beans you like in which situations. As far as I can tell, there is no one sentence answer for such matters.

Good luck.
LeBec F. December 30, 2015
Thx for the input, cv. The last time I got fired up and ordered a few diff beans, I never got around to cooking them, which is why I just want to buy rec'd beans and just a few. I understand what you're saying about hot sauces, but your answer was still helpful. Beans are generally harvested in autumn, so buying in winter makes sense?(our bean eating is pretty winter-centric here.)
Nancy December 30, 2015
Like Kate and ChefJune, I have never had a Rancho Gordo bean I didn't like. If you're trying to focus on 1 or 2, think which beans you or your family most like and pick one of theirs that is similar in color, shape or size. It may not be a perfect fit, but your odds of liking it are higher.
702551 December 30, 2015
Okay, just got back from the store. Price comparison, 1 lb. bag of Peruano beans (a.k.a. "Mayocobas" at Rancho Gordo) at two local markets.

cheapo brand El Mexicano Peruano: $2.19/lb.
premium brand Rancho Gordo Mayocoba: $6.95/lb.

It should be noted that Rancho Gordo beans are conventionally grown, not organic.

Beans in general have few pests and don't require lots of water or fertilizer. They're also a cheap crop and many growers simply don't want to bother with the expense/hassle of organic certification, even if their practices would qualify.
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