Hi, I have a question about adding a photograph to a recipe. I uploaded a recipe to "Krithika's Shrikhand" and can't figure out how to rotate it. I

sent a note to editors@food52 but I am still learning how to use my gmail account and think it might have gone astray. I want to rotate it 90 degrees.



creamtea January 8, 2016
Can you upload it to your computer and edit it there, rotating it as necessary before uploading it to the recipe? (that's what I just did with one of my recipes).
cookbookchick January 7, 2016
Is it possible to delete your photo and start again? (I've never tried.) The problem is that the photo is a vertical and the space for it is horizontal. You'd have to edit the photo into a horizontal (if that's possible while still showing your friend and her dessert) and repost it.
luvcookbooks January 7, 2016
I made another copy of the photo. I had to crop out Krithika but I think it will be right side up. I can delete the original photo, did several times while trying to get it to come out. I can't edit again til the contest is finished, I don't think. Thanks!
luvcookbooks January 8, 2016
I tried multiple times, but I think because it is vertical, I couldn't get it to rotate. It seemed to fit in the slot horizontally only. I've cropped it (lost Krithika) to just the bowl of Shrikhand and will repost the photo when the contest is over.
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